Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hello Friends!

This is still an active blog as of February 2016.  Come visit me at

See you there!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hi Folks!

As of March 2012 I have moved!  

Please visit my new home at

See you there!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Basking in His Blessings

Sometimes things can be dry for a very long time. Here in Texas we had not had a good rain since June 22. On top of it all, we have had record breaking heat, literally. We had 70 days with temperatures over 100 degrees, breaking the 1980 record. With the lack of rain and intense heat, plants, grasses and trees quickly dried up and many died which made it very easy for wildfires to start and spread, quickly. Driving along any highway, you'll see the black scars as markers to the great dryness of the land.

To you, O LORD, I call, for fire has devoured the open pastures and flames have burned up all the trees of the field. Even the wild animals pant for you; the streams of water have dried up and fire has devoured the open pastures.
Joel 1:19-20

This dryness sent by the Lord to judge us, to remind us, that without Him, we have no water, no life, no breath. We, as frail people, must realize that nothing can we do on our own, nothing at all. And when we once again turn to Him, the Almighty, He is so faithful to renew, replenish, and restore us.

Speaking of dryness, one can be dried up spiritually, in need of the fresh, cleansing water from the streams of living water. And there was I. Yet, God in His mercy made a divine appointment with a very dear friend and there stood I in the pouring waterfall of His mighty streams. And lest you think, it was solely for my benefit, that is not how the Mighty Orchestrator works. He who stretched out the heavens and created every flora and fauna, was touching more than my thirsty soul that day. For the Loving Father cares for all of His precious ones, and I rejoice in His abounding love to all who call upon His Name.

And when the Lord pours out His blessings, the land also rejoices, just as it did today, when the Lord gave a slow, steady pouring of rain upon a dry and parched land. Thank you my Faithful Lord for your tender mercies.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Victory over Depredation

Death. The enemy prowls about seeking whom he may devour. Steal, kill, destroy. Death came to our homestead this week. Totally unexpected, very devastating. Thankfully, the Lord kept us, however, our animals did not fare so well. We innocently trusted, let our guard down, didn't keep on our armor... the enemy came and he massacred, relentlessly. It hurt, it violated and it shook us awake.

Fortresses were then secured, eyes were put on alert, plans of defense were made. Do we live our lives this way? Do we remember that there IS an enemy? Do we stay on high alert that he indeed wants to kill us, our lives, our relationships, our fellowship with God?

In the physical realm our enemy was a fierce, terror-producing predator. He opened a gate which was not locked, no, not even latched. He tore into our unsuspecting chickens, four lost their lives. Destruction was revealed by massive amount of feathers strewn about the yard. Three lost were roosters, we suspect who gave their lives for the flock. The enemy was merciless, after one kill was made he came back for another and another.

I'm reminded of how relentless our enemy is, he has been bent on a murderous path of destruction for close to 6000 years, that I know of. His desire for blood has only grown; he grows more greedy for destruction with each life he takes down. Marriages, families, relationships, churches, businesses, nations.... souls.... nothing is off limits to him, except that which is protected by prayer. Yet, we do have a Saviour we can call upon. One who gave His life so that we may live. Sacrificially and with great suffering, He gave up His life to save us-- even in our wretched state.

The morning we discovered the destruction, we tried piecing together what had taken place. What happened, who did it, a fox, an owl, stray dogs? We were blind to the rampage that took place the night before. We knew the surviving animals had witnessed the terror from the night before, they could smell it, taste it, hear it. I knew the Lord had seen it all as well, and I questioned why, and why He hadn't warned me, woken me. I was even a little put out by it.

Sometimes we ask why, or why didn't you warn me or stop it... perhaps I was not listening or I was too busy for Him or perhaps He had new lessons to teach me, more than likely all of the above. The next night, the Lord graciously woke me (despite MY unfaithfulness--He proves His faithfulness to me again and again). At 4:17 am I awoke to a guinea call from Him. I took a flashlight and flashed it on the rabbit pens. To my shock, their sat Death under the baby bunny pen. I watched in dread-filled anticipation as I tried to place a name to the large beast who violated our sense of peace and trust. He moved stealthily, boldly and assuredly of his next meal. My eyes and my brain worked painstakingly to reveal the identity of this animal. It hid from my view and all I saw were two eyes glowing back at me. Then it once again moved out toward its intended victims and I saw it was a tenacious bobcat! My heart raced as I realized that here was the explanation for the destruction the night before. The power and terror this animal must have inflicted upon the victims, our creatures, the night before.

We must ask the Lord to open our eyes to the wicked schemes of the evil one. We must have discernment as we live in this sin-ridden, deteriorating world. We must see our enemy exactly for who he is. It is not our neighbor or boss or family member, but the Father of all Wickedness, the devil himself. Just as the enemy strikes terror with his words and his ways..... we as Saved Ones need not yield to the fear. For we have a Greater One on our side who is already the Victor!

The next day we thought the threat was over, only to discover the beast had terrified our mama bunny and she, being overwhelmed with fear, died. The next night, two baby bunnies succumbed to the terror and also died. And yet, the next night another baby died even though he was safely kept in the garage. In all, in the two visits the killer made, eight lives were lost. Four from actually being torn by the predator and four from the FEAR of being torn by the predator.

How will we live our lives? Terrified, paralyzed and overwhelmed? We needn't fear, no matter the threat. We CAN survive the attack and live victoriously through Him, if only we trust in Him, our Shield. Our Lord has said many times to not fear, for He has given us His promise...

Isaiah 41:13
For I am the LORD, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
Do not fear; I will help you.

May the Name of the Lord be praised!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lovely Lauren

Seventeen years ago today, our daughter was born. What an incredible, life-changing event in which I am so thankful for. My little girl, sweet and shy, has grown into a lovely, pure-hearted young lady. She has become a young woman, thoughtful and responsible, who desires to please the Lord. I cannot wait to see the plans the Lord, Almighty has for her. I can not believe how quickly time has passed. The days of bath times and bubbles, toys and timeouts, dolls and daddy's girl, stuffed animals and sibling rivalry have passed. Oh, God I pray, help us to mentor this daughter you've given us. Give us wisdom and discernment, help us to build good memories and training in Your Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Grace is Amazing

Grace, the unmerited favor given by God, the Almighty. A powerful statement. Grace, you can not earn it. Romans 11:6~~ And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

It is sometimes too easy to blindly slip into earning salvation; that's religion, man's way.
Galatians 5:4~~ You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

'Earning salvation' is a fruitless endeavor. We can never be 'good' enough, we will always fail. And then comes the condemnation, discouragement and hopelessness.
Ephesians 2:8~~ For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--- not by works, so that no one can boast.

So make a decision today to receive His grace. Throw off the constricting bonds of 'earning salvation', it simply can not be done and it will make you miserable.
Galatians 2:21~~ I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!

Good News!! 1 Tim 1:14~~ The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Paul says that he was the worst of sinners and look what God did for him. How much grace will God pour out on us!!!

Hallelujah!! God has abounding grace!!! Romans much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.

Take off the shackles, it is a GIFT!!!!! Received by faith! Praise Him who is worthy. He did it. He GAVE it. You simply RECEIVE it!! Ephesians 2:4-5~~ But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--- it is by grace you have been saved.

We should be shouting and dancing in the streets! This is truly amazing....GRACE <><

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

We had a most blessed July 4th celebration. Spending time and eating supper with extended family and then rushing off to see our first night of fireworks. The next day, spending it leisurely with family. Enjoying the company of a delightful neighbor who came over for a dinner of delicious brisket and potato salad, now isn't that American! Watching fireworks with friends that night and munching on watermelon and then cooling off with homemade yogurt pops in red, white and blue. Thank you Lord for good memories!